I am Vikki, one of the owners of Rosemary Ridge Farm in Elizabeth, CO.  On June 17 2016, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was caught early, during a routine mammogram, so the prognosis is good. However, I do need surgery and radiation treatments afterwards (thank god, no chemo unless they find something during the surgery) but still, the recovery process will be long, painful and exhausting.

So so sorry to post this, but we need to sell the farm and move into the city to be closer to doctors, hospitals and treatment centers. Already diagnosed with non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis this past October, I’m exhausted every day. I just can’t do this farm any more, and need to de-stress my life. I hope you understand.

I have already had two calls already this morning (before 10 a.m.!) for products like goat’s milk, and really can’t keep jumping up to answer that phone line.  I took off the farm-related posts from this website.  Sorry if I missed any.

Please please forgive me. If I could refer you to another farm, I would. Meanwhile, thank you for listening, and please add me and my wonderful 19 year old special needs son in your prayers.

Again, thank you. 

p.s.: We have all of our chickens and one blue slate turkey hen for sale still. If you are interested, please e-mail vikkibook at yho

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